Knowledge Center Knowledge Center

Basics of reporting

Navigate new and enhanced reporting capabilities using the Lineage Reports platform which is accessible through Lineage Link.

Feature requirement(s): A user must be signed into Lineage Link before accessing, running, viewing, or exporting a report. Note: Users cannot access or share reports generated outside of their own organization/company.

This article covers:

    Quick access to Lineage Reports

    Customization/download options for report output

User environment(s): Customer tenant

Quick access to Lineage Reports

Once logged in to Lineage Link, select the Lineage Link logo to expand the Shortcuts menu, and click on Lineage Reports.

You will be taken to a separate page in your browser where you can see a list of your company’s available reports to choose from. For more information, please check out the Report definitions article.

Customization/download options for report output

Once you have selected a report, choose from the output options (left menu) to customize the report’s information. Note: The fields/data listed in the left menu may vary depending on the report selected.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required selections for the report’s output. All other fields are optional and useful in customizing the information displayed in a report.

Note: Some reports have a Format Type option for an Excel Optimized or Print Optimized (PDF) analysis version before downloading/exporting the report.

Once you have chosen output options, click Submit to run and view the report output.


Click the page icon, then choose a file type (e.g., PDF, CSV, XLSX) to download the report output.