Knowledge Center Knowledge Center

Notification of when a BOL is uploaded to an order

Create an alert so you know when a BOL has been added to an order.


This article covers:


User environment: Customer tenant

Create BOL upload notification

From your profile page in Lineage Link, select Rules tab. 

Click on Orders, +Create rule.

A blue Create rule box will open. To begin, you must create a Rule name.

After you have named your rule, select When you want to be notified. For notification of a BOL being added, select when Someone adds/updates a document on an order.

Next, identify the Group on the orders included. In this case, toggle button is set to “Is”. Your company name should auto-populate. If it doesn’t, type your company name in the space provided. If you have multiple accounts, you may enter multiple account names if necessary.

Select Order type as Warehouse from the options listed. Click on the blue +Add criteria button and select Document type, Is Bill of Lading (from the dropdown list).

Finally, select the Notification method you prefer. After you make your selection(s), click Save to finish creating your rule.

After you click Save, you can navigate back to your rules to see your new rule for BOLs being added to an order.

Pro-tip! Turn your notifications on by clicking your profile in the upper right corner.