Validate order detail
Review order information as it’s updated in real-time. As an order progresses throughout its lifecycle you have visibility to allocated inventory, order lines, and the associated shipment/appointment and events that occur for the order at the Lineage facility.
This article covers:
- Verify order lines and inventory allocation
- Customize your view of order lines with details
- Link to an associated shipment
- View or download order documents
Verify order lines and inventory allocation
Once an order reaches the plan phase and is in a committed status, verify what inventory has been allocated, the quantities, and lot ID. Learn how to drill through order details in the steps below.
- Select the details tab of an order.
- Click to expand the items section
3. Drill through more details by selecting an individual line item to expand it or expand all line items at the same time by selecting the icon in the top right corner.
Once you’ve expanded a line item, scroll up/down to see the following detail:
- Item name
- Quantity
- Item ID
- Lot ID
- Item metrics
- General details - IF included when sent over on the item master
- Notes/comments – IF included on the item master notes, and/or order notes
Pro-tip! From a line item on an order, click See more to view inventory balances (e.g., Available, Committed, On Hold) for that item at the facility.
At the bottom of the order lines, there is a summary line that provides total counts, sums and weights of the order.
- Items – Count of unique items
- Line Items – Count of line items
- Quantity – Sum of each UOM
- Net Weight – Sum of net weight of line items
- Gross Weight – Sum of the gross weight of the line items (as available)
- Volume – Sum of volume across line items (as available)
Customize your view of order lines with detail
To show/hide the information that is displayed for an orders line item(s), first navigate to an individual order, and select the Details tab then click on the Items section to expand a list of order lines.
Select the 3-dots icon at the top-right to expand a list of fields, then select each field you need to display/hide. Columns you have chosen to display will have a checkmark.
Note: You may see columns/fields displayed by default that represent the Actual quantity or Item status being shipped on the order. Currently, this field is NOT populating and is intended for future visibility to customers. We recommend hiding both the Actual quantity and Item status to prevent any confusion.
As in the past, please rely on the column Order quantity and the order Phase of Closed/Complete indicating that the order has been shipped.
Link to an associated shipment
After an order has been added to an appointment (in the plan phase), you can link to its associated shipment and keep pace with facility processing events, e.g., active load/unloading of inventory at the Lineage facility.
From an orders summary tab, you have a high-level view on the shipment card of the following:
- Shipment ID and Appointment ID (Secondary Shipment Reference)
- Approximate route from origin to destination (google map)
- Shipment status & number of stops
- Pickup/delivery date (origin-destination)
- Operated by (Carrier)
- Equipment type (only known if the appointment is booked through the Carrier Public Scheduling portal)
View or download documents
To view documents, from the Order summary page select the Documents tab. Note: Select Lineage locations have certain order documents auto-uploaded on the order, while others can only upload them manually upon request (e.g., BOL).
To download this document, simply click into the link for the document and save the file.
When the document opens, utilize the download button to save documents to your choice of file locations. From the viewing window, you can also print documents.