Knowledge Center Knowledge Center

Upload a profile photo

Customize the user icon by uploading a professional photo to your profile. User profile photos will show up as your main user icon alongside actions you’ve taken within the Lineage Link platform and across the network (e.g., timeline events/history).

Who can use this capability? All Lineage Link users.

This article covers:

Uploading a profile photo

Select your profile icon (upper-right corner), then click on your name to view your profile summary.

Hover over the user icon (upper-left) in your profile header and click Upload image or Change image depending on whether a photo was uploaded previously.

Click Upload A New Image to open a file explorer.

Locate the image you have stored on your computer, select, and open the image to upload it. 
Note: The example below is shown on a Windows desktop and may look different if you’re using a different operating system or mobile device (e.g., Mac/Android).

After your image is uploaded, drag the double-arrow icon in or out to crop your image to fit the user icon. Click SAVE once you are ok with the preview shown on the right.

Visibility to user icons

User icons help personalize the experience and collaboration across your network. Note: If you choose not to have a profile photo, your initials from your first and last name will display within the user icon instead.

The examples outlined below show how your user icon is commonly displayed throughout the Lineage Link platform. 

Active user icon

When one or more active users are viewing a page (e.g., order #, shipment #), it will show a user icon to indicate who is viewing the information (within your organization). Note: Hovering over a user icon, displays the name of the user.

Timeline user icon

When a user generated event occurs (e.g., carrier books/updates an appointment or order), it will display on the timeline tab of an order/shipment, with the user icon and associated contact.