Knowledge Center Knowledge Center

Add an import-export appointment label

This article covers how to add an “import/export” label when booking an appointment at select Lineage locations through Public Scheduling. This will allow the facility to have visibility into which appointments contain import or export orders. 

Applies to: Public Scheduling 

Who can use this capability? Carrier; Customer 

This article covers:

Select the import/export label on an appointment

When booking an appointment through Public Scheduling, if the selected Lineage location allows import or export orders, there is an optional Import/Export checkbox displayed that will allow you to label appointments.


After entering order information (step 2), select the Import/Export checkbox, then click CONTINUE and complete the remaining steps.


After booking an appointment, the initial confirmation page emailed and/or texted confirmation details will also display the import/export globe icon as a reminder that the scheduled appointment will have import or export orders.

Example: Initial confirm page 


Example: Email confirmation 

Add or remove the import/export label on an existing appointment

When editing an existing appointment through Public Scheduling, scroll down to the Order information section and click EDIT. For more information, check out the Edit an existing appointment video.


There is an option to check Import/Export as the appointment type or remove the checkmark. Then click SAVE to update the appointment. 

Note: The updated confirmation email also displays the change.