Knowledge Center Knowledge Center

Global search to find information quickly

Lineage Link’s Global Search feature is a powerful tool which allows quick navigation through large volumes of information. Easily search using a keyword or reference number that matches key information or associated details. The Search bar is always found at the top of each page.

This article covers:

    Search techniques

   Common search criteria

User environment(s): Customer tenant; Lineage tenant

Search techniques

Outlined below are two basic methods used to quickly find information using Global Search, called wide-open search for pulling results from across the entire platform, associated with one or more entities (e.g., orders, shipments, inventory, etc.); or narrow search when looking for results under a specific entity (e.g., orders only).

Wide-open search

Below is an example of how to quickly search by a single reference, across the entire Lineage Link platform and pull up associated results from multiple entities (e.g., order and associated shipment).

Click the search bar, start typing a reference (e.g., order number) to populate results. 

As results populate in the “wide-open” search, they are broken down into categories/entities to help organize and find the associated information needed (e.g., Shipments, Orders). 

For example, searching by order ID, may also be helpful when looking for an associated shipment. 

Pro-tip! Before selecting a search result, hover over the result to preview key information displayed on the right.

To navigate into more detail, select one of the search results from the appropriate category.  

Narrow search

Before entering a reference in the search bar, choose a single entity to narrow the search based on the specific information needed (e.g., Orders/Shipments/Inventory). 

Once an entity is selected, enter a reference, then hover over the appropriate search result to preview it on the right, or select the result to navigate to it directly, and drill into more detail. 

Common search criteria

Global Search prioritizes results based on two factors: Score (e.g., exact match/containing match) and updated date. Considering data is shared in real-time to Lineage Link, this means the results listed may be sorted differently each time the user searches. 

Note: Search criteria may vary depending on how much information was sent over to Lineage or entered by a customer/carrier on a specific order, shipment, item, etc.

For warehousing, below are common scenarios and most used search criteria (wide or narrow search):


Common Search Criteria (not limited to)

Look up an order.

  • Sales order or purchase order ID
  • Tracking number
  • Seal ID
  • Supplier number

Look up a shipment.

  • Shipment ID or Appointment confirmation ID.
  • Sales order or purchase order ID can pull related shipment results (if an order has been planned already).
  • Carrier SCAC or Account Name associated with the shipment.

Look up inventory for an item.

  • Item ID.
  • Sales order or purchase order ID can pull related orders or shipments with an associated item on them.