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Bulk order upload (video/article)

Learn how to process more than one order at a time using the Bulk upload option in Lineage Link.

Who can use this capability? The Order Management feature is not enabled by default. Usage is limited to select Lineage facilities and customers. Lineage will notify your organization once it becomes available.

This article covers:

Bulk order upload

The video overview and outlined information below will help you understand the steps required for using the bulk order upload process through your Order Management page.

Access the bulk order upload

To access the bulk order upload option, navigate to the Create menu to start a new Order.

Select Order type and ensure that Lineage is displayed as the Service Provider before proceeding. 

Note: Users should select Warehouse order until Transportation orders become available through Lineage Link (future development)

Click NEXT and you’ll be taken to the Order Management page (in another browser tab).

Before accessing the Bulk upload options, choose from the following fields:

    Order Direction: Choose either the Inbound OR Outbound option.

    Facility: Ensure the correct facility (Lineage location) is selected.

    Customer: Ensure the correct account (your company/organization) is selected.

Click NEXT once the Facility and Customer Information section is completed.


Click BULK UPLOAD from the Order Overview section to access the Bulk upload page.

Use an order template

From the Bulk upload page, select the available Microsoft Excel template to save a blank copy automatically to your downloads folder on your computer. 

Note: The available order template is based on the Order Overview information you selected when creating a new order, other templates will be greyed out.

If needed, a Reference document that contains a list of your company’s product codes, descriptions, and more, is available to download and refer to.


Once you’ve downloaded the template, open it to begin listing your orders and associated details. Required information will be marked with an asterisk (*) at the top of the template.


Pro-tip! To prevent upload errors, reference the Example Order (second tab located at the bottom of the downloaded template) for how to format and list orders.

For example, the pickup/delivery date should be YYYY-MM-DD, as the format.


Submit and review your bulk order

Once you’ve filled in all required, and/or optional fields and saved an order template, you can upload the saved file from the Bulk orders page.

Click browse to locate and select the file you saved earlier, or simply Drag and drop the file within the Upload template box.


The file you’ve selected will appear below the Upload template section, then select UPLOAD BULK ORDER to submit.


Once the bulk upload is processed you will see a status indicator by the notification bell (top-right).

    Blue rotating arrow icon indicates the order is processing. 

    Green check mark icon indicates a successful upload. 

    Red exclamation icon indicates there was an error. Note: Select View Errors to see what type of error occurred before making changes and re-uploading.


After the bulk upload is successful, review the template of orders you’ve submitted by selecting View Orders from the notification bell icon.


Within minutes the orders will appear in Lineage Link in real-time. Select REVIEW ORDERS to navigate back to Lineage Link and begin monitoring the progress. For additional information, see Track order progress article.