Error received when accessing Order Management
User environment: Customer tenant
Target audience: IT department
When accessing the Lineage Link – Order Management, I am receiving a ‘Network Error’. When entering or modifying an order in Lineage Link – Order Management, I am receiving the below ‘Network Error’.
A network or security setting that resides on the Customer’s (your) network may be blocking the Order Management page from displaying.
Your internal IT department needs to approve or whitelist the following domains on any network or security software in place:
If you’re not able to wild-card the domains like above, please approve/allow three specific hosts:
IF the white-listing does not resolve the issue, please provide the following data to your Lineage facility to work with Lineage Service Desk for further investigation.
How to gather your browser log to send to Lineage Logistics:
- Access the Order Management portal in Chrome via Lineage Link like normal.
- Click on the three-dot menu in the upper right corner of the Chrome window (it has a tooltip labeled "Customize and control...").
- Select More Tools -> Developer Tools, then go to the Console tab at the top.
- Right-click on the console window/text-area and click Save as.
- In the Save window, clear the filename and enter companyname.txt (for example, LineageLogistics.txt) then save.
Then, send the resulting text file to your Lineage Logistics facility to work with Lineage Service Desk for further investigation.
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