Knowledge Center Knowledge Center

Place or release a hold by lot/pallet

Place or release a hold at the lot or pallet level within Lineage Link.

Feature requirements: Hold Management features are not enabled by default. We are in the process of making this functionality available to all customers who need it. Your Lineage sales representative will be in touch when we have the functionality available to you.

This article covers:

User environment: Customer tenant

Filter for an item in inventory

Hover your cursor over the left menu, then select Inventory from the list of menu options. You will land on the Inventory Summary page. Note: You can also use Global Search to quickly find and navigate to a specific item at a facility. See the View inventory by item ID article for more info.

To search the Inventory Summary page to a specific item at a facility that you need to place or release from a hold, select the filter icon and filter by the Item # and Facility, then click APPLY. Then select the item you searched for from the filtered Inventory Summary page.

Access the lot/pallet level information for an item by selecting the Inventory tab.

Place or release a hold for an item

To place or release a hold for an item, choose between the lot or pallet level, then select the checkbox next to one or more IDs. 

Pro-tip! To find a specific ID within the the list of Lots or Pallets, apply a Lot # or Pallet # filter.

Once you have selected the lot(s) or pallet(s) for an item click MANAGE INVENTORY at the bottom-right, then choose between Place hold or Release hold.

Select a Hold code from the drop-down list, then type the Reason. Note: You can also enter any specific handling needs such as labeling or placarding (maximum of 47 characters).

Submit the transaction by clicking the button at the bottom-right (Place/Release). 

You will receive a confirmation message. Note: An error message is provided if the transaction fails and you will need to correct and re-submit.

Review hold transactions using the item timeline

Once an item hold has been placed or released, you can review the history of those transactions through the Item on the Timeline tab.

To view hold transaction history for an item, you can scroll through to see all transactions for an item in chronological order, OR filter the Timeline tab by one of the following criteria:

    Event: Allows you to filter by the type of transaction.

    Lot #: Allows you to filter and view transactions that have occurred for a specific lot.

    Pallet #: Allows you to filter and view transactions that have occurred for a specific pallet.

    User: Allows you to filter by specific users that have made changes to an item.

   Date range: Allow you to filter by a specific date or date range of when changes have occurred for an item.

Each hold transaction will display with a timestamp of when it occurred (see example below).